Date: July 25, 2009
Tattoo: Custom design, cute notes singing, one smiling

Was FUN. I want to color more. Filling in with color completely, rather than leave any skin tone, makes it SO much better.


Date: July 8th, 2009

Was taken just a week ago. 2 weeks after the date above (the day I actually did it). Will retake picture once healed and I go back over some spots to darken. Hopefully I'll have my replacement camera by then.

Unfortunately, will always be the tattoo that marked the day I got robbed of so much artwork. Que sera sera. Moving on....


033location: finger

location: wrist

location: left hip

Date: July 28, 2009

Hate flash, like script. Horrible pictures of the Los Angeles one.


Date: July 12, 2009
Tattoo: Custom "evil" and "good" wings
Location: Back of upper arm (Left is "evil", right is "good")
Needle: 7RL and 13M

Tattoo 030 and 031 have to be re-shoot; as I lost all my equipment and a majority of my artwork in a recent robbery.